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What is the history of Java programming language? I have found this site on the Internet, from which you can take a lot of examples and actually learn what this Java language means. But I want to start first with the history of this programming language, because this is a very interesting topic. When you try to learn the Japanese or the Chinese language, first of all you find out more about the country, the landscape and the history of the country. In this way you will learn more about the language itself. In the case of a programming language, the situation is the same; first of all you start to read about the language, see what is the history of the language and after this, start learning the actual language.

A History Of Java (Source:

A History Of Java (Source:

This is an object-oriented programming language created by James Gosling from Sun Microsystems in 1990s. This is different from the conventional languages, which are created to be compiled to a code, the Java language being compiled to a bytecode. I don’t know if these tell you anything, this is why I will explain this in another way. Think that the conventional languages are interpreted when they are ran, the general programming language is compiled to a bytecode, as I said before, by the Java Virtual Machine, also in the moment of running. This is a very similar program to C and C++. These 2 programs are more complex and they should be learned first. Nevertheless, if you feel that the C program will not help you, you can start directly with Java. It is simpler and it provides almost the same possibilities as the C programming language.

A History Of Java (Source:

A History Of Java (Source:

James Gosling created this program for a project named “Oak”. The purpose was to create a language that had a familiar C-like code. Only that he managed to create a new programming language. It is said that the first public implementation of Java was in 1995. The major browsers that were at that time incorporated this program into their standard configurations. They were created even new versions for the large platforms and soon everybody talked about the Java 2 programming language. The versions created for large and small platforms were J2EE J2ME. That’s about it with the history of the Java programming language. In the next article I will talk about the Java philosophy and the primary goals that the creation of this language was supposed to fulfill.

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